Join us for Worship on Sundays at 11:00am

A Thoughtful, Joyful, and Diverse Congregation in Richmond, Virginia
Our Congregation is -

A Diverse and Caring Community
We come from all over the world and from all walks of life. God has made us family to one another. To learn from and care for each other is part of our calling – a challenge sometimes, but more often a deep and abiding joy.
A Church in a Neighborhood
We are at one of the most fascinating crossroads in Richmond – with stately historic homes on the one side, and apartments and group homes on the other. We are a meeting place for residents of both, as well as residents from all over the greater Richmond area. We’re also one block from Union Presbyterian Seminary, where students, staff, and faculty enrich the church’s understanding of God’s purposes for us and all the world.
A Purposeful Community
We aim to live into the Great Commandment God’s people have struggled and rejoiced to obey since the earliest of times. As Jesus put it, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as yourself.” We want to nurture such love – cherishing it and encouraging its growth and development – in every member of the church. In a society like ours, where so many people feel judged, isolated, and afraid, we believe God’s love is a powerful force for healing and reconciliation.
GPPC affirms these values at the heart of what we share:
Inspired and inspiring worship that shapes daily life
Responding to God’s Word thoughtfully, creatively, and courageously
Offering Christ-like service to our neighborhood, city, and world
Experiencing and extending God’s abundant welcome
Learning from and caring for our church community
We are affiliated with the following:
Church Leadership
At Ginter Park Presbyterian Church we say the ministers are all the members, because we believe God’s Holy Spirit empowers each one of us to live and work as the body of Christ in the world – reaching out to those who are in need, pain, or difficulty – through congregational and individual acts of Christian witness, advocacy, and compassion.
Our life together is governed by an elected board called the Session. Session members are called ruling elders, and each serves for a three-year term. The lists below indicate the year when these elders will complete their three-year term.
GPPC Session
Clerk of session - Mickie Chapman
Bonnie Neighbour
Don Peebles
Jen Pullen
Joanna Schneider
Mai Owens (youth elder, two-year term)
Igmara Sanchez Prunier (minister member)
Joe Adams
Anne Westrick (on hiatus)
Sara Avila
Jane Chudoba
Jack Jensen
Doug Ramseur
Alice Nijimbere (youth elder, one year term)
Amy Clark (one year, with option to extend one year)
Steve Reppert (one year, filling in for Anne Westrick)
GPPC Trustees
Pam Beckner
Ardyth Lohuis
Ann Knox
GPPC Endowment Foundation Board of Directors
Appointed member of Endowment - Bev Tate
President - Bob Roybark
Nancy Brogdon
Bob Roybark
Amy Spencer
Craig DeBussey
Sally Molenkamp
Glenna Finnicum
Paul Gill
Vernon Plack